COVID-19 Notice
The following guidelines have been put in place in order to maintain the safety and health of our campers and coaches. Please view the guidelines below prior to attending a sports camp.
All campers must arrive to the camp, already dressed in their camp clothing according to their sport.
Only 1 parent/guardian will be able to approach the registration table at a time to sign in any participating campers.
Hand sanitiser will be provided upon registration, where the parent/guardian must sanitise their hands prior to signing in the accompanying camper. Parents are encouraged to bring their own pen for sign in.
All camp groups will be at a maximum of 10. This will be 9 campers and 1 coach.
Once campers arrive, they will be placed into their groups accordingly and kept at a 1.5 metre distance from one another.
Campers will be encouraged to bring hand sanitiser, and to use this throughout the course of the camp.
Campers will not be allowed to share any sporting attire, food containers or water bottles.
Campers will avoid any unnecessary contact (i.e. shaking hands, high fives etc)
All equipment will be wiped clean afterwards.
There will be no mixing of people (including coaches) between separate groups of 10 people.
All camper property will be placed at 1.5 metres apart.
Campers may use the toilet however change rooms will be closed.
Please Note:
Registered campers will be told not to attend if they are unwell and experiencing symptoms such as a cough, sore throat, fever, fatigue or shortness of breath.
Registered campers will be told not to attend if, in the last 14 days, they have been unwell or had close contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19.
The basic rule is “arrive, play sport and leave”.
Gathering as a group before or after the camp is not permitted.